Ministry of Migration and Asylum

Towards a Common European Asylum System

#EPISODE 4: Asylum Service Announcement:Provision of Services from June 1, 2020_ENGLISH

IOM-EU handing over to the Migration and Asylum Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nov2022

'SDGs and Migration in Europe' Side Event at UNECE Regional Forum for Sustainable Development 2022

2015-2020: ΕSTIA offers a home of compassion for refugees

ΤΗΕ RRF Project of Ministry of Migration and Asylum THEME

Refugees Evicted and Left Homeless in Athens, Greece

Ομιλία Υπουργού Μετανάστευσης & Ασύλου Νότη Μηταράκη στο 1o International Migration Review Forum

Ν.Μηταράκης: “To νέο Σύμφωνο Μετανάστευσης & Ασύλου δεν είναι προαπαιτούμενο για δράση.”

#EPISODE 4: Asylum Service Announcement:Provision of Services from June 1, 2020_SORANI


'EU Needs a Common Asylum and Migration Policy to Tackle Migration' | Firstpost Ideas Pod | N18G

'Send them back!' | Polish MEP offers immigration policy as a solution to Lampedusa migrant crisis

Migration challenges and opportunities – IOM and Orthodox Partners

Refugees March Against Relocations to Closed Detention Camps in Greece

Integration of asylum seekers into the Greek labour market

2nd European Conference on Border Management - Press Statements- 24/02/23

VMC2021 | Migration crisis management at the EU's external borders

Notis Mitarachi, Former Deputy Minister of Labour - Greece Investor Guide (1)

Panel III: Applying policy and operational frameworks in a migration context

Inclusive Social Protection for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Myth or Reality?

Notis Mitarachi, Former Deputy Minister of Labour - Greece Investor Guide (3)

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Migrants in situations of vulnerability

The story of a family from Ukraine - HELIOS project